“You should not believe your conscience and your feelings more than the word which the Lord who receives sinners preaches to you.”

— Martin Luther


What is a Lutheran Church?

It’s a Christian Church! We base our teachings, worship, and life on the Word of God as found in the Bible.

We are pledged to the Lutheran Confessions, which are simply an affirmation and explanation of the essential teachings of Holy Scripture. They neither add to nor take away from what is given us by God Himself in His Word.

Lutherans are…

catholic, with a small ‘c’. We teach the Word of God that is cherished by Christians of every time and every place.

Lutherans are…

evangelical, with a small ‘e’. The heart of our teaching is the Gospel of Christ.

Lutherans are…

orthodox, with a small ‘o’. Our teaching and life is in accord with the sound words of Holy Scripture

Lutherans are…

liturgical, with a small ‘l’. We find the structure and content of our worship in Holy Scripture.

Lutherans believe...

  • in the Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit —Three equal Persons, yet still only one God. (Matthew 28: 19)
  • that the Bible is God’s own inerrant Word which calls us to faith in Jesus Christ.
    (2 Timothy 3: 15-17)
  • that all people are by nature born sinful; we lack both the will and the ability to please God with thoughts, words, or deeds. (Psalm 51: 5)
  • that God, through His compassion and mercy for us, sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the price for the sins of all people through His suffering and death. (John 3: 26)
  • that everyone who repents of their sinfulness and trusts in Christ—in His sinless life, His sacrificial death, and His resurrection from the dead—will be saved from eternal death and damnation. (Romans 10: 9-10)
  • that Jesus is truly present today with His gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation through His appointed means—the ways He chooses to deliver His gifts to us: the preaching of His Word, the forgiving our sins through Absolution, the promised blessings of Holy Baptism, and His true Body and Blood given to us in the Sacrament of the Altar, Holy Communion.
  • that our Lord Jesus Christ will return on the Last Day of Judgment and usher in an eternal age of blessedness for believers who will be resurrected bodily to eternal life.

Congregational Life

At Trinity you will find:

  • a church family that worships together, prays together, and bears each other’s burdens
  • opportunities to grow in spiritual wisdom
  • a variety of fellowship activities
  • opportunities to serve the community and the world
  • a pastoral staff that gives priority to caring for individuals and families in times of need

Our People



Marty Svare

Office Manager